Introduction to Algebra

Some people admit they don’t like algebra, usually because of a negative experience at school in maths class. In fact, algebra has a pretty bad name, even amongst students who don’t really know what it is about (perhaps we can blame the popular media for that?). In fact, algebra is just a way to model mathematical expressions and equations using pronumerals instead of numbers. Like another language. Here are three sites to start you off on the right foot with algebra:

Shape times Shape is an activity where you discover which shapes represent which numbers, using a series of multiplication problems.

BBC Bitesize has an introduction to algebra using formulae.

Maths is Fun also has an introduction to algebra which includes a brief explanation with some examples.

Another interesting way to learn about algebra is with “Off Road Algebra” from MathMatters. This resource includes videos of off road motorcycles riding up ramps and off jumps and some other dirty stunts. The maths is a series of problems including converting litres to gallons, working out the length of the third side of a triangular track and time and distance.Check out the MathMatters – HotChalk website here.

2 thoughts on “Introduction to Algebra

  • October 12, 2011 at 9:52 am

    I liked the shape sheet the best becasue we had to work out what number the shape was and it was quite challenging.

  • October 12, 2011 at 9:52 am

    i learnt the most from the function machine because it tought me a bit out algerbra

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