Potato Olympics

Mr Potato head

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Potato Olympics is an activity used in maths and science classes, where each student is the ‘trainer’ for a potato, which ‘competes’ in various events, including diving, rolling and bowling. Students customize their ‘competitors’, perhaps using textas and coloured flags, and record their statistics. So where’s the maths? Students measure mass, length, circumference and volume (by displacement). They record heights and distances thrown, rolled and launched. Data can be examined to calculate mean, median, mode and range. Graphs can be created and hypotheses tested.
This term I hope to collaborate with Deon Scanlon and his Grade 6 class in Tasmania, using Google Docs to share our results of Potato Olympics. The wiki for recording our results is at  St. Aloysius Potato Olympics. This is a protected site and you will need to apply to join. What information do we need to find out about the events so that we have a fair comparison of data?

Congratulations to the following students who accessed Mathletics over the holidays! 50 team points for you guys!

***Helen, Sophie, Darcy, Aaron B, Kaylee, Lachlan, Jacinta, Aaron S. and Sarah.***

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