Student surveys, data and graphs

Learning Intention: Students will understand how to collect data using a tally and create a frequency table and bar graph using the data. They will understand how to convert fractions to decimals and percentages. They will create a pie chart using this data by converting 100% to 360 degrees.

Success Criteria: Each student will produce a poster that includes a frequency table (including fractions, decimals and percentages), bar graph and pie chart of their chosen data, collectecd from the Year 7 Maths Survey.

  1. First collect your data in tally form
  2. Add each category and find the total
  3. Represent each category as a fraction
  4. Convert to a decimal (2/25 = 16/100)
  5. Convert to a percentage 16/100 = 16%
  6. Create a bar graph using this data
  7. Remember to add SALT to your graph – Scale, Axes, Labels, Title
  8. Turn your bar chart into a pie chart (multiply percentage by 3.6 because 100% = 360 degrees)
  9. Make sure you have a key to interpret your data.
  10. Add a beautiful title and colour to present your poster.

Go to Create-A-Graph and use your data to check that your graphs are correct. Print out the computer generated graphs to add to your poster.



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