Using an iPod for probability experiments

iPod image

Screenshot from iChoose

Year 6/7 students continue to explore probability in our maths classes, today with iPod touches. “iChoose” is a free application, with a number of options for random choice results – coin toss, dice, cards, girl/boy and more.  Students did  timed trials to collect data (both coin tosses and dice throws) and collated class results. Each student used the iPod calculator to work out their percentages of each result and then compared individual data with class data to show that the greater the number of trials, the closer to the theoretical probability the experimental data gets.

We also used real dice and coins (swapping over so all students had a turn at both the real and virtual) and compared the results. At the end of the lesson, students completed an ‘exit slip’, with three important things that they have learnt about probability. Most students were able to complete this successfully, writing how to calculate probability, how all outcomes add to 100% and about experimental and theoretical probability. Even students with greater learning needs were able to state that they had learnt how to work out percentage and how to tally results. It is pleasing when you can engage students with a wide range of learning abilities in one class and hear that each of them has benefited from the lesson.

How do you keep your times tables in your brain?


Image adapted from wikimedia commons via Creative Commons

Do you have trouble remembering your times tables? It is very difficult to succeed in maths when you are unable to recall basic number facts,  so it is important to find ways to learn your multiplication tables. As well as regular repetition – both written and verbal – look for patterns. “Tips, Tools and Technology for Educators” has an excellent article with “Five Games for Learning Times Tables.”

 These videos, from Right Brain Maths, show you some ways that will help you to remember three’s, sixes, seven’s and nine’s. There are lots of iPod apps that will help you to practise your tables with fun games.

Times Tables (Multiplication Tables)

Ultimate Times Tables

Math Facts

Math Drill Lite


Times Tables XL

TimesTables Free

If you have an iPod, you may like to download two or three of these applications and let me know which you like best. Which one works best for you and why? How did the game or activity help you to remember your multiplication tables? Would you recommend this application for other students who need to remember their times tables? Leave me a comment below.

On-Line Maths 2.0 Session with Elluminate

maths_online Made with My Cool Signs.Net

Next Wednesday night, 18th August,  on eT@lking on the Australia Series from 8-9pm, Melbourne Australia time, our special guest will be Maria Droujkova, USA. Maria is the founder of Math 2.0 interest group and, invites you to participate in the discussion of mathematical communities. During the event, we will look at different community types and discuss their accomplishments and needs. You will hear what founders of Scratch, GeoGebra, Calculation Nation, Cut the Knot, MathPlayground, ViewPoints Research, The Art of Problem Solving and many more math communities consider important tasks in mathematics education, and how they go about accomplishing the tasks. You can use the event to find math communities that will welcome your participation and add to your personal learning network. Maria will also talk about plans and dreams of the Math 2.0 group for the next year, including virtual and face-to-face conferences, the math game development forum, publishing efforts, and spin-off event series. Maria Droujkova is the founder of Math 2.0 interest group and and

Please join us. The webinar is free and is online in elluminate. Just copy and paste this url into your browser and enter the room up to 45 mins before the session starts.

Nature by Numbers


Image Source

Maths is often considered boring or difficult by many people, but I am looking forward to showing this video (Nature by Numbers) to my Year 6/7 students after the holidays – it captures the simple beauty of maths in nature, using magnificent images created by Cristobal Vila.  The music and flow of this short video is just beautiful. Thanks Denise, our art teacher at Hawkesdale, for this link.