Student Tessellations

Elektra's tessellation

Ben P. and Elektra have both used octagons and squares to tessellate. What other shapes can you find that tessellate? Is there a rule to predict which shapes will or won’t fit together? Might it have something to do with angles?

Once you have completed your tessellation, using the Tessellation Creator, take a screenshot, paste it into Irfanview then crop and save the file as a JPEG image. Then send your work as an attachment to my gmail account. The most creative tessellations will win an icecream voucher from the canteen.




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Before the end of term we will be looking at transformations in Maths – reflections, translations, dilations and rotations. Your assessment task will be to create a poster your name, with each of the letters transformed in a different way. Transformations are useful for security cameras (to make number plates photographed at an angle easier to read for example) and computer graphics that make realistic animated movies or computer games. Read more at the Maths by Email newsletter.

Transformations  definitions and demonstrations at Maths if Fun!

An excellent interactive site to learn more about Transformations at MathsNet.