Interpreting Graphs


Graph created in Excel by Jakob Linke, Year 7

Learning Intention: This week you will continue to work with line graphs, bar charts, pie charts and scatter plots. Your learning intention is to understand how to describe various graphs in words. You need to be able to interpret the information given.

Success Criteria: You will be able to look at the scale, axes, labels and title of different graphs and be able to describe what they mean. You will be able to match a graph to it’s description and draw a sketch graph from a sentence. These are the activities planned:

1. Find a graph with data in a magazine or newspaper. Cut it out and paste it into your books. Look carefully at the title, axes, labels and scale. Write a few sentences describing what the graph shows.

2. “Which graph is which” worksheet. You will be given nine small graphs and have to match scenarios to the shape of the graph.

3. Maths300: Temperature Graphs. Match the average maximum and minimum temperatures to Australia’s capital cities.

4. Match the graph to the Olympic record time/distance.

5. Which kind of graph would best represent the following situations?

  • Height of a plant growing over time?
  • The various heights of different plants of the same species in a greenhouse, over time?
  • Thousands of plants in a crop to determine which genotype was the fastest growing?
  • Percentage of different species of plants in an area of forest?

6. “Purchasing pantyhose” and “Blood Bank” graphs

7. Go to the Melbourne Grand Prix map and note the speed and distance from the start as each car makes it’s way around the track. Draw a graph that shows distance from the starting line on the horizontal axis and speed on the vertical axis.


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