Algebra machine


Screenshot from Learning Today

This maths game is about a machine that changes numbers – what has happened to the numbers in the table above? We will also be using balance scales as a model for algebra learning. This virtual manipulative shows how to add and subtract from both sides of the equation to find an unknown.  Over the next few weeks in Term 4 you will be learning algebra – using letters to represent numbers in equations. As always, the BBC  KS3 Bitesize site has excellent activities and games to help you learn about algebra, including formulas, equations, graphs, number patterns and linear sequences. I would like you to work through these activities at your own pace and ask questions as required. When you do the tests, take a screen shot and email your results to me at my gmail address. If you are finding the problems too difficult, try the BBC KS2 activities  (Number) or some of the activities from the National Library of  Virtual Manipulatives instead.

Another interesting maths game is at MathMovesU. “MathMovesU is an interactive virtual world where middle school students can interact with algebra, geometry, decimals, fractions, and word problems through topics they are passionate about like sports, music, and fashion.  As students navigate through MathMovesU they will encounter math problems delivered through games, polls, and fun facts.  The site is a great supplement to curriculum and will help students practice and improve their math skills in a fun, engaging manner.” from iLearn Technology.

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